
Healing Codes

The Solfeggio Frequencies Some time ago a friend recommended an article on the internet, speaking about the Solfeggio Frequencies. These are “forgotten frequencies” that do not exist in our common twelve-tone system and which have different positive effects on the human body. As a musician, I was interested immediately and began to search the web for further, more profound information on these specific frequencies. Unfortunately, I realized that the only meaningful information was mere in the article my friend had sent. So I searched for a book from which I could learn more about these mysterious frequencies. But unfortunately, only one could be found, written by a US dentist named Dr. Leonhard Horowitz. This man rediscovered the frequencies and their different effects on the human organism after many centuries of oblivion. In his book “ Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse ” he made them accessible to the public. We are talking about the so-called Solfeggio Frequencies that wer